Stories From Kera sit2sit Users
Jim & Margaret
Maintaining freedom for as long as possible
Margaret’s husband Jim has had Parkinson’s for nearly 20 years. In the last year, he’s diminished to being not mobile.
“I’m here all day lifting him on my own,” says Margaret. “It’s hard on my back and it’s hard on Jim. It’s caused so much damage to my body, but now it has a chance to heal.”
Late one night, Margaret was searching for solutions. “I was up through the night on the on my iPad, looking for transfer machines and equipment. Jim wasn't ready for a hoist. We didn't want to turn Jim into an invalid when he wasn't one. We wanted him to have his freedom for as long as possible.” In Margaret’s late night searching she came across the Kera.
“We're now in the possession of a Kera Lightning and our life is going to change. It means we can get in the car, we can go out, out for coffees, out to see friends, go away for a few nights, which we haven't been able to do for a long time. If we have to evacuate, I can get them out quickly. So it is a game changer for us.”
Non weight bearing
At Home
Reduce load on caregiver
Kera sit2sit and Kera Lightning
Hoist replacement
Keeping my wife at home, without external caregivers
John and his wife Barbara were worried that when Barbara’s muscular dystrophy worsened that she would need to go into a care home and they would be split up.
“I used to stay awake at night wondering how am I going to cope - and what’s in store for me.”
That all changed when they discovered the Kera Sit2Sit.
“It’s a marvelous innovation for me and Barbara. It’s saved us from all those anxious moments. Now she can stay in the home.”
The couple manage at home without any outside help.
As Barbara says, “Caregivers come in and do half an hour but you’ve still got to carry on for the other 23 hours.”
“We’re coping and it’s because of your Kera,” says John. “It’s really taken a weight off my shoulders.”
Now, with the new Kera Lightening, John and Barbara are planning a trip to Auckland to visit their son and check in on the progress of his new home build. “The Kera Lightening is going to make it much easier to travel,” says John.
Barbara & John
Muscular Dystrophy
Non weight-bearing
At home
Single caregiver
Keep family together
Kera sit2sit and Kera Lightning
Noeline and Gary
Taking the stress out of transfers for independence at home
After a spinal embolism left Noeline a paraplegic, the hospital offered her and her husband Gary a sling hoist. Gary didn't want to rely on other caregivers visiting to operate the hoist as this limited their independence and he searched for a better option. The Kera sit2sit allows him to perform all Noeline’s transfers quickly and easily by himself anytime they please.
Noeline has a stoma bag and SPC, so the Chestpad was modified to relieve the pressure on the area and improved the comfort of transfers.
As Noeline is shorter, she selected the Short Chestpad and used Foam Risers to bring to footplate level up to support her feet.
“We do multiple transfers in the course of the day and I can't imagine using anything else really. It's a … one person item, it doesn't need extra people to transfer someone safely from say the bed to a commode”
SCI / Paraplegia
Non weight bearing
At Home
Stoma Bag + SPC
Short Chestpad
Hoist replacement
Keeping my husband at home
“The Kera has had a profound effect on our family.
The Kera has enabled my 75 year old Mother to look after my Dad at home. Keeping Dad at home was their wish, after 57 years of marriage they didn't want to be separated and as a family we wanted to do whatever we could to enable them to stay together.
Having the Kera has meant that Mum can independently move Dad from his hospital bed to his wheelchair, recliner, essentially anywhere he can sit, it's been a great asset as Mum doesn't need to wait on someone to be there or be reliant on anyone.
It has allowed the family to balance our lives as well as we were all rushing over there to help move Dad around and we just couldn't be there all time it just wasn't possible.
When Dad was discharged from hospital they told us that he would be a 3 assist, which meant that at least 3 people were needed to move him but with the Kera Sit2Sit only one person is needed.
Rita (Maria and Lawrence’s Daughter)
Lawrence & Maria
Non weight-bearing
At home
Single caregiver
Keep family together
Kathy and Paul
Managing transfers at home without moving to a sling hoist
Kathy was hesitant to move to using a hoist as her MND (ALS) progressed. She found the Kera sit2sit online and recognised its ability to delay her from progressing to a full hoist and allowing Paul to continue to care for her at home by himself, while taking the strain of manual lifting away.
The Kera has allowed them to manage transfers at home without having to use a sling hoist. As Kathy’s condition has progressed, they have been working with HT Systems to add accessories and modifications to keep the Kera working for them, to keep living together at home for as long as possible.
At home
On holiday
Non weight bearing
Breathing, CPAP
Bed transfer
Short Chestpad
Quick and easy transfers at home and on holiday
Prior to having the Kera sit2sit, Cherry was manually lifting Andrew for every transfer. Andrew wanted to take the strain of manual lifts away from Cherry to keep her safe:
“…I wanted something that could help her lift me without hurting her back, something she could do by herself, without having other people help, so the [Kera sit2sit] hoist was good for that. Very happy with it.“ Andrew
Download Andrew & Cherry’s user case here.
Andrew & Cherry
Muscular Dystrophy
At home
On holiday
Non weight-bearing
Single caregiver
30 second transfer
Lounge to bed transfer
Steve & Fiona
Independence from external caregivers and makes it possible to continue to go on holiday together
The Kera allows quick and simple transfers to any seat in the house, as well as Steve’s customised electric trike, which allows him to get out for a ride around the neighborhood with Fiona or by himself.
“…I’ve got no use of my legs and very, very limited use of my arms. With the Kera you don’t even need use of your arms or legs, and it has been really good because the time involved in using the Kera just to move is fantastic compared to the other option “ Steve
Download Steve & Fiona’s user case here
At home
On holiday
Bed transfer
Raised armchair
e-trike transfer
Non weight bearing
Breathing, CPAP
Jean & Erik
Safe, single caregiver transfers in the home
Jean has MS and has no standing strength and Erik, her husband, cares for her fulltime. When we met them, Erik was physically lifting Jean between bed and chair, multiple times a day.
Current equipment options didn’t work for them; Jean was unsafe on a standing hoist and a sling hoist too slow and didn’t fit their house.
“We were at a loss before you came along. I can manage here at home by myself… and Jean doesn’t have to go into a rest home.“ Erik (Jean’s husband and caregiver)
Download Jean & Erik’s user case here.
Multiple Sclerosis
At home
Non weight-bearing
Single caregiver
Hoist replacement
Bed to chair transfer
Single caregiver transfers saving time on toileting
Deborah previously used a sling hoist for toileting but the multi-step job was very time consuming and demanding on her caregivers.
A sling hoist also requires two caregivers meaning Deborah’s parents always had to be available
Changing to the Kera sit2sit means that Deborah can be easily transferred by only one caregiver and toileting is an easy, single step process.
“ she no longer stands it’s the ideal progression...its a one person job.“ Cornelia (Deborah’s caregiver)
Download Deborah’s user case here
Non weight bearing
Single caregiver
At home
One step toileting
Tilt-in-space chair